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Systems Navigator announces new Dropboard release, including an updated Smart Scheduling algorithm

Updated: Dec 2, 2021

DELFT; December 1, 2021 - Systems Navigator is excited to introduce another set of powerful features to assist you in getting the most out of your planning & scheduling platform. Leading companies have embraced Dropboard technology to successfully deploy advanced planning & scheduling technology throughout their enterprise.

The new release adds powerful features to Dropboard’s unique user experience as well as Systems Navigator’s in-house developed Smart Scheduling algorithm. Dropboard’s UX enables users to analyze all relevant information in a single view improving transparency, decision making & customer satisfaction. The updated algorithm advises on how to best allocate all available resources to multiple visits using a variety of KPIs to rank the proposed plans, empowering the planner to select optimal arrival slots.

The majority of these new features are designed to meet our customers' needs and improve their user experience. These are the highlights of the new release:

New Smart scheduling algorithm

Dropboard’s multi-visit smart scheduling algorithm helps you to find the best solution in a complex puzzle and reduce waiting times and demurrage.

Metric coloring

Conflicts or delays are now easily spotted by coloring visits based on user-selected KPIs. Nominations that require the planner’s attention, for example, nominations having high demurrage or waiting time, are now easily identified on Dropboard's plan board.

New operations module

This new module empowers users to see and update the current status of a visit. AN audit trial of events can be created by logging timestamps. The module is accessible on mobile devices, giving operators the ability to log timestamps without contacting the control room. The module can be fully customized to fit your requirements and operations.

New terminal or port map

A bird's-eye view of the terminal or port offers an intuitive view of the current terminal situation. This helps you to quickly identify, understand & solve planning issues.

According to Mart Jansen, Technology Manager: “I am excited to see our vision become reality, the features added in the latest version are completely in line with where we want to take Dropboard. We have improved the quality of Dropboard’s scheduling algorithm and also added great visualizations allowing the planner to always make the best-informed decision.”

About Dropboard

Dropboard planning and scheduling system is designed to assist planners in Ports, LNG and the Oil & (Petro)Chemical industry with daily and future planning. Systems Navigator’s unique Smart Scheduling technology provides expert knowledge at your fingertips. Optimizing the schedule provides opportunities to decrease waiting times and berth occupancy, and increase throughput and revenue.

About Systems Navigator

Systems Navigator is a global leader in advanced and predictive decision support technology. Since 2003, our employees are working around the globe for a wide range of customers on the most challenging projects. We assist our customers in making better decisions on where to spend their capital by demonstrating the impact of change through simulation modelling. Our Dropboard platform for planning & scheduling helps companies optimize their operations, improve customer service and maximize the use of their assets.

Upcoming webinar:

> Dropboard new modules.

To learn more about Dropboard or Systems Navigator, please contact our office at +31 (0) 15 750 1030, email us or visit the website at

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